Spring 2015


Letter from the Publisher

North Star

I first met Jessica Lange in her New York City Greenwich Village co-op in January of 2008. I was there to consult with her about selling her Stillwater estate. She spoke in worldly tones with a trace of British intonations. She filled the room with a dynamic presence.

In May of 2008, we met again at her Stillwater Victorian overlooking the St. Croix River Valley. She gave me a tour of the property that she shared with actor/writer Sam Shepard and where she had raised her children. Jessica pointed out all the restorations she had completed since purchasing the property in 1995. We walked through extensive gardens down the hill to a private guesthouse and swimming pool she had added.

Over the course of time, we spoke regularly, and I came to know Jessica. I found her thoughtful, quick-witted and matter-of-fact with a keen sense of humor. We featured her property in this magazine and successfully sold the manse.

Now 65, Jessica has not slowed down. When not working, she splits her time between New York, northern Minnesota and a new property she just purchased in New Orleans. She still makes movies, performs on Broadway and commits to everything she does with intense skill and dedication. Her captivating portrayals on the hit television show American Horror Story have cultivated a cult following of younger admirers who have gone back to watch her classics: Tootsie, Frances, Cape Fear.

Our feature, “La Vie Bohème,” written by Alyssa Ford provides an extraordinary account of Jessica’s early years before she earned her place in Hollywood history. A supporting piece by Anne Roderique-Jones takes us from her professional film debut in King Kong to modern day. It describes how one of the North’s brightest stars has become one of the most respected, wide-ranging American actresses of her generation.

Welcome to the spring issue of Artful Living. It is packed with an array of content featuring epicurean and oenophile themes, from backyard farms and dinner labs to the finer points of hosting a wine tasting. Thanks to our team of fine editors and writers, Artful Living has become the Magazine of the North.


Frank Roffers
Publisher + Editor-In-Chief

From the Autumn 2019 Issue


Featured Property:
5948 Hermitage Trail


Featured Property:
5948 Hermitage Trail


Featured Property:
5948 Hermitage Trail

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