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Resident outdoorswoman Laura Schara has long touted the benefits of getting out into nature, including how empowering it is for women. On June 9–11, she’ll be hosting Feathers & Tweed, an interactive, inclusive women’s wing-shooting weekend at the Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club featuring hands-on training with acclaimed Syren instructor Kate Ahnstrom, a wild game lunch by chef Jim Kyndberg, shopping and much more. Here, we chatted with Schara about the upcoming event and women’s empowerment in the great outdoors.

Artful Living | Join Laura Schara for a Women’s Wing-Shooting Weekend

Photography by Camille Lizama

Looking ahead to the Feathers & Tweed experience, what are you most excited about?

I’m looking forward to sharing the experience and thrill of sporting clays with other women. Using equipment that is specially made for women is critical for success in shooting sports. Just like golf clubs, it’s imperative to have a shotgun that fits appropriately to an individual’s height, arm length and hand size for accuracy. Hence I can’t wait to see ladies accelerate quickly and powder clays throughout the lesson.

Can you tell us more about instructor and outdoorswoman Kate Ahnstrom?

I feel so fortunate to have Syren and Kate Ahnstrom join us for this event. Kate is the owner/operator of Virginia Shooting Sports and is a certified instructor at Paragon School of Sporting. Not only is she an incredible instructor, she is also a falconer, bird hunter, sporting clays shooter and all-around cool lady! Considering Kate is one of the top female shooting instructors in the country, each attendee will walk away feeling more confident in the field.

Why is women’s empowerment in the great outdoors so important?

Getting outdoors in any capacity is allowing your soul to reset itself. Stepping away from technology and sharing experiences in nature, in a hunting field or on a sporting clays course can do wonders for your mental health and well-being. The idea of learning about upland bird hunting or sporting clays might seem intimidating, but I frequently hear from women that they enjoy learning from other women as it’s a supportive and encouraging environment.

Artful Living | Join Laura Schara for a Women’s Wing-Shooting Weekend

Photography by 2nd Truth

How has a lifetime participating in activities like hunting and fishing impacted you?

The outdoors has impacted me tremendously. Nature can teach you incredible life skills such as humility, grit, patience and perseverance. Every time I am on an outdoor adventure, I learn something new about either the world around us or myself. We are connected to nature in so many ways, and you realize that the more you spend time outdoors. Every life skill I have learned from spending time outdoors has contributed to a happy, healthy and successful personal and professional life.

What can Feathers & Tweed attendees expect from this weekend extravaganza?

Attendees can expect to walk away with a feeling of “I can do this.” We are keeping each class session limited to 15 women to ensure everyone receives an intensive learning experience. Wild game gourmand chef Jim Kyndberg will be taking over the kitchen at the Horse & Hunt Club and will serve a delicious lunch (with pheasant on the menu, of course). He will also share some wild game cooking tips and tricks to take home to your own kitchen. To top it off, some of my favorite local boutiques will have pop-up shops offering unique outdoor-related fashion and other goodies. At the end of the day, I truly hope everyone feels a greater sense of self-confidence and has a day full of smiles.

Learn more about Feathers & Tweed and secure your spot today.

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