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You guys, we did it: We’ve almost made it to the end of the year. With just a couple weeks of 2022 remaining, I think we can all look back and recognize that the past 365 days have taken their toll on us in ways no one could’ve predicted. But I’ve been busy manifesting that next year is the dawn of the great reset we’ve all been craving — and that our stress levels and sleep schedules will go back to normal. Until then, here are 5 simple ways to maintain chill as we close out 2022 soundtracked by some iconic bops.

Be Kinder to Yourself

Say it with me: Treat others as you would want to be treated. Now reverse it and do yourself a solid by actively reminding yourself in the mirror that you are worthy, capable and, above all, just a human being doing your best like everyone else. Being kind to yourself is not selfish; it’s actually the total opposite. Even small radical acts can have a big impact.

Live Your Best Airplane Mode Life

You know what’s better than “do not disturb” mode on that smartphone of yours? Airplane mode. This underrated function not only disables any incoming messages, but it also makes your phone essentially lose all ability to notify you about literally anything. An off-the-grid mindset is just a click away.

Book Your Next Adventure

Speaking of going off the grid, get ahead of the 2023 calendar and plan your next getaway. By booking now, you’re setting yourself up for success because knowing there’s a vacay on the horizon makes all the hard work ahead a little easier. The tricks we play on ourselves to get things done are the things that will keep us sane.

Apply SPF and Drink Lots of Water

This one should be a given, but you would be shocked (and I mean shocked) to learn how many functioning adults don’t regularly apply sunscreen and/or drink enough water on the daily. Enlist these two very thoughtful acts to benefit your overall health, promote general morale and provide the essential nutrients your skin needs to show the world that million-dollar glow.

Throw the Party You’ve Been Putting Off

Oh, how remarkably challenging the past three years have been. And how remarkable it is that we’re still trying to navigate the social shifts and side effects that living through a global pandemic has blessed us with. Well I think it’s high time to rip off the Band-Aid and throw the party you’ve been putting off. It’s time to celebrate all that’s been achieved. We deserve that much.

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