Tangletown Gardens offers a full range of creative services from landscape design and installation to container design and interior plantscapes. The iconic South Minneapolis destination recently launched a new DIY Landscape Service that provides just the right amount of guidance and support to implement your own design, solve any problem areas and select the perfect plants for your site. If you know you’re ready to get started, contact a designer today.
Landscape Design and Installation
The Tangletown Gardens team combines unmatched expertise with horticultural knowledge to provide exceptional landscape design and installation services, including hardscapes. After connecting with a designer, the team will work with you to create your very own dream garden or outdoor living space. They take pride in going beyond the obvious and pay attention to every detail along the way to craft a space you will enjoy for years to come.
Container and Small-Space Design
The Detail Team offers on-site container design and installation, as well as in-store consultations. Whether you’d like it done for you or just need a little design and plant selection help for your DIY project, designers are at-the-ready to support any of your residential, retail or business projects. They are experts in beautifying home and office spaces, and realizing design concepts for shops and restaurants, including window boxes and small-space gardens.
Interior Plantscapes and Living Walls
Utilizing unique designs and indoor plants for your spaces can greatly improve your quality of life. Plants help to clean the air, increase concentration, enliven a room, and enhance mental health and well-being. Whether it be a home or business, Tangletown Gardens’ designers can create an aesthetically-pleasing interior plants cape that suits any specific style and select plants that will thrive in the environment. They also offer living and moss wall installations. Get creative with Tangletown Gardens and contact a designer today.