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Photography by Spacecrafting | On location at Modernwell

Doug Marshall

The World of Doug

Doug Marshall moved to the Twin Cities in 2015 for his husband’s work, a shift from the fast-paced world of celebrity reporting and retail social media in New York City. By the time he got here, he was ready for something new.

But his transformation began long before then. Back in 2003, he hung up his party hat and got sober — a decision that altered his life path. By 2010, after years of sobriety and therapy, his life looked good on paper (and his hair looked great, he adds), but the truth was that he felt stuck.

He credits a job loss and a rocky point in his relationship with prompting his self-help pursuit. “I spent so much time in therapy so I had a ton of self-knowledge, but what I didn’t have were tools to reduce stress and stay present,” he says. “As cliché as this sounds, self-help saved me.”

So he dove in: starting a meditation practice and reading books by Gabby Bernstein, Louise Hay and Marianne Williamson. “The more I practiced tools I learned from coaches and healers, the better I felt,” Marshall notes. “I had more positive energy, and people were taking note of it. I began blogging about it, and people started asking me what they could do to feel happier.”

While he was doing this soul-searching, he was also building his Instagram following (@theworldofdoug), connecting with like-minded people, and creating a community here in Minnesota. In a way he can only describe as organic, he began leading workshops about healing, meditation and mindfulness for both individuals and corporations.

Marshall credits Minnesota as the place where he found his voice and discovered his purpose. “It turns out, my true passion and purpose right now are to empower people to feel more present in their lives and more in control of their emotions,” he says. “That is within reach — even within 30 seconds. As I’ve put in the work to heal myself, the student has become the teacher. I am committed to helping anyone clean up their energy and start living more joyfully.”

To learn more about Doug Marshall and his upcoming wellness workshops and events, visit

Read this article as it appears in the magazine.

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