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Southview Design

Meg Arnosti
Landscape architect

Top tip: Hire a professional to do the design and installation of your landscaping or gardening project. Homeowners seldom have the expertise, equipment or manpower to create something that will enhance their home and last a long time.

Your company’s trademark: We are the award-winning landscaping contractor for people who want to do it once and do it right.

Single feature for instant curb appeal: For landscaping, trees add a lot to a home. They soften the architecture and bring it down to a human scale. For gardening, annual flowers are the best way to get all-season color.

Trend you love: Outdoor fire features are really popular. What’s nicer than an outdoor fire? It can be wood or gas, modern or traditional. Fireplaces, fire pits, fire boulders and fire tables are all great.

Trend you’re over: Gazing balls are thankfully a thing of the past!

A classic that will never go out of style: Hydrangeas are an old-fashioned plant with many varieties today.

Secret to a great garden: One of the principles we use is the law of significant enclosure. When you feel a sense of privacy, you feel comfortable. Another secret to think about is prospect and refuge. Being in a place of refuge looking out at the landscape is a great place to be.

Read this article as it appears in the magazine.

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