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LiLu Interiors

Lisa Peck, ASID
Owner and principal designer

Your company’s trademark: When our clients walk into their home at the end of the day, they think, “This is who I am. This is where I want to be.” We want every client to experience that spectacular feeling. 

A classic that will never go out of style: A well-scaled bergère chair. 

Single upgrade that makes a huge impact: Great lighting makes a huge impact in any space. It sets a mood, makes it work. 

Easiest way to get inspired: Think first about how you want to live your life, about the things you do now or want to do that support you and bring you joy. Make a list. Look at environments around you, on the Internet, in magazines, while you are traveling. Notice what spaces make you happy. Take photos. Take notes about what you like about a space and how you feel when you are there. With all of this in hand, you have the inspiration for a room or home. 

Trend you love: I’m loving all the Cuba references we are seeing now, with fun color and art deco. 

Trend you’re over: Conforming to trends. 

Top tip: Set a budget at the beginning. Don’t be shy about sharing your budget. And set aside a contingency fund for something that you love and have to have. 

Secret to great design: Designing a space that lifts people up and allows them to live their best life — then you’ve achieved something.

Read this article as it appears in the magazine.

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