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Photography provided by Fay Behbehani

Fay Behbehani is a first-generation Iranian/Kuwaiti immigrant and former Londoner residing in Los Angeles who has set out to revive the spirits industry and what it means to drink socially in the modern age with her alcohol-free beverage, Bonbuz. Crafted for the sober-curious and beyond, Bonbuz is made with active ingredients like nootropics and adaptogens that heighten the senses and boost the mood without any toxic additives or harsh hangovers. Dreamy right? Here, Behbehani shares what inspired her to launch her own brand, her favorite way to drink Bonbuz and more.

Photography by Michael Louis

What’s the funniest thing you’ve read recently?

Someone’s job title on LinkedIn read, “Ass. Tax Director.” It’s the little things, you know?

What inspired you to start Bonbuz?

Working in the alcohol industry, I grappled with drinking culture daily. I wanted to feel good after a night out with friends rather than feeling hang-xious the next day. My perspective on life changed entirely when I became sober-curious. What if I could still have a ritualized drink but with a completely different feeling? That’s what Bonbuz helps facilitate: a more present and immersed experience. Confronted with the stereotypical male-dominated cultures and traditions, I was ready to take on something radically different — a brand built on diversity and different perspectives, which is what the team at Bonbuz brings.

Photography by Michael Louis

Where does the name Bonbuz come from?

It comes from a monumental feat and happy accident. I was set on a different name that we had designed branding around before I realized we couldn’t get the trademark. After weeks of splicing together words from different languages and 2,000+ names later, “Bonbuz” was a resounding yes. It’s short, sweet and very playful. In French, “bon” means good and “buz” means high. A good high!

What sets Bonbuz apart from the other alcohol-free elixirs?

Apart from being super playful, provocative and bold, Bonbuz was created to change how we perceive alcohol-free spirits both in the ingredient stacking and branding. We make sure that with every formula we’re creating a vehicle to help our customers go deeper into the present moment using only natural active ingredients and compounds. The flavor profiles are strong, dominant and very complex. We also strive to be an accessible, relatable brand that isn’t too hoity-toity.

Photography by Michael Louis

What’s your favorite way to drink Bonbuz?

Being characteristically British, I really love warm drinks, and the Spicy Mulled Buz crafted by our resident mixologist, Hannah Kravitz, hits all the right marks. It’s the Bonbuz version of mulled wine and brings together heat, sting and sweetness.

Any Bonbuz collaborations on the horizon?

Huge collaborations and wild apparel are coming for the world imminently.

Can you share any advice?

As bad as your day or week or month is going, have an open mind. Your world can change in the flash of a moment. If you’re closed off to the many opportunities that exist, you close yourself off from the many magical changes that may occur.

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